Wrist-Ease™ Hand Tape Dispenser

Product Catalogue


Interactive Catalogue

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Allpack's New Product Catalogue

The new Allpack product catalogue offers an extensive range of packaging products, including eco-friendly materials, customisable options, and advanced packaging technology. This launch marks a significant milestone in Allpack’s commitment to providing top-tier packaging solutions that enhance sustainability, and customer satisfaction.

Highlights of the New Allpack Product Catalogue include:

Eco-Friendly Packaging Solutions: In response to growing environmental concerns, Allpack has expanded its lines of stocked sustainable packaging products, which adhere to and surpass current packaging legislation, such as the Plastic Packaging Tax. The guide features biodegradable, recyclable, compostable materials that help businesses reduce their carbon footprint.

Comprehensive Product Range: Allpack’s product catalogue covers a wide array of packaging types, including boxes, pallet wrap & covers, tapes, protection, bags & mailing, labels, strappings and fastenings, packing area & facilities. This ensures that businesses can find the perfect packaging solution for their products.


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Advanced Packaging Technology: The new catalogue is packed full of smart packaging products, such as battery-operated mobile tapers, automated void fill machines and equipment specifically designed to reduce repetitive strain injuries, such as the new Wrist Ease hand dispenser. These innovations are all intended to enhance the efficiency of packaging operations and streamline processes, in busy warehouses and ecommerce set-ups alike.

Customisable Options: Understanding that one size does not fit all, Allpack offers customisable packaging solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of different industries. From bespoke designs to personalised branding, businesses can create unique packaging that stands out from the crowd but doesn’t cost the earth.

User-Friendly Design: The guide is designed with user convenience in mind, featuring an easy-to-navigate layout, detailed product descriptions, and high-quality images. allowing customers to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

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